Managerial skills and success of small scale enterprises in Kampala Uganda: presented at the Canadian International Conference on Advances in Computer Science, Humanities and Education, April 1-2, 2015, Dubai, UAE

A multi-sector coverage of small-scale enterprises was explored to address these objectives: (1) extent to which managerial skills were possessed; (2) extent to which small-scale entrepreneurs (SSEs) were successful; (3) relationship between managerial skills and success. Employed as strategies to elicit data were descriptive correlation and ex-post facto designs; administration of validated and tested for reliability researcher devised questionnaires; frequencies, means, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and regression analysis. The findings showed moderate extent of managerial skills (conceptual, human and technical); Kampala SSEs were less successful internally and more successful externally; managerial skills possessed positively and significantly correlated with internal and external success; conceptual and technical skills significantly predicted small-scale entrepreneurs’ success. Technical and conceptual skills need to be more promoted through entrepreneurial and business skills in universities; education of among SSEs on formation of joint ventures and ongoing training programs for skills development.
Please refer to published article Canadian International Journal for Social Science and Education, vol. 3, pp.465-480, ISSN: 2356-847X.
Managerial skills, Small scale enterprises success