Unemployment and Poverty among the Youth in Urban Centres A case of Lira District in Northern Uganda.

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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management Sciences .
This study is to be carried out in Lira District after identifying the poor conditions youths in this area face. The study have aimed at identifying the causes of increasing poverty and urban unemployment among the youth in Lira District and exploring the measures that can be put in place to combat these youth problem. The study will use descriptive research design and employing both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the searching for the information. The major causes of increasing poverty and urban unemployment among the youth are found to be, Lack or skills and experiences, tribalism, this is where bosses employ people of their tribe hence leaving the qualiliecl ones negative attitude towards work among the youth. Over population among the youth. Lack of relevant information on job chances most jobs are acl\·crtisccl in Newspapers. over radio but youth have no chance of gelling such information. Lack of selfcon! lclcncc & sclt:cstccm limited resources to start up a business e.g. Janel, capital, labour to mention but a few. United resources to start up a busmess for example land, capital. labour to mention but a few. The study will conclude that causes of increasing poverty and urban unemployment, not only aiTected youth but also the whole community is afTectecl in a way that it lags behind in terms of development when you compare it with other area with well to do societies. It is recommended that to fight poverty and urban unemployment youth need to be sensitized and informed about the causes of increasing urban unemployment among the youth. The study also recommends that efforts should be raised to help youth Jlnancially and practically equip them with skills to enable them create employment opportunities for themselves and t·ecluce poverty levels and unemployment.
A research proposal submitted to the College of Economics and Management in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of a Bachelors' Degree in Business Administration of Kampala International University.
Unemployment, Poverty, Youth, Urban Centres, Lira District, Northern Uganda