Financial management practices in SMEs in selected districts in western Uganda

This study was done to determine the extent of financial management practices in Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs‭) ‬in selected districts in Western Uganda.‭ ‬The objectives of the study were; ‬to determine the extent ‬of financial management employed by SMEs as to these dimensions:working capital management‭ (‬cash management,‭ ‬accounts receivable management,‭ ‬inventory management practices)‬,‭ ‬investment,‭ ‬financing,‭ ‬financial reporting and analysis and accounting information systems; ‬The study used ex-post facto or retrospective and prospective designs together with descriptive design and descriptive comparative as well as correlation design.‭ ‬335 questionnaires were distributed to respondents and were the ones used for analysis.‭ ‬The study found out that majority‭ ‬of SMEs owners‭ (‬52%‭) ‬in western Uganda are female,‭ ‬more than‭ ‬69%‭ ‬of the SMEs owners are in their early adulthood and majority of the SMEs owners are high school leavers‭ (‬30.1%‭)‬,‭ ‬over‭ ‬50%‭ ‬of the SMEs are sole‭ ‬proprietorship businesses and majority of the SMEs‭ (‬42.4%‭ ‬have been in business between 1-4‭ ‬years.‭ ‬The findings‭ ‬further revealed that the extent of financial management is low among SMEs‭ (‬Average Mean‭ = ‬2.19‭)‬.‭ ‬The Theory of‭ ‬Pecking Order‭ (‬Myers‭ ‬1984‭) ‬which states that Management has a preference to choose internal financing before‭ ‬external financing,‭ ‬was proven in this study in the aspects of SMEs using internally generated funds as compared to borrowed funds.‭ ‬The recommendations from the study included‭; ‬the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning,‭ ‬Bank of Uganda should provide a favourable platform for SMEs to access financing that can enable them to run their‭ ‬businesses at a reasonable cost of financing.‭ ‬ICPAU,‭ ‬ACCA Uganda,‭ ‬URA should sensitize the SMEs owners on the‭ ‬relevance of bookkeeping,‭ ‬financial reporting and analysis as well maintaining proper books of analysis. Key Words:‭ ‬Financial Management,‭ ‬Small and Medium Enterprises‭ (‬SMEs‭)
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Financial mamagement, Small and medium enterprises, Uganda