Effects of recruitment procedures On employees’ performance in Universite laique adventiste de Kigali, Kigali- Rwanda

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Kampala international University college of economics and management
The study was meant to establish the “effects of recruitment procedures on employees’ performance in Universite Laique Adventistede Kigali, Kigali- Rwanda”. The study was guided by three objectives:to analyse the employee recruitment process used by Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali; to examine the procedures used in recruiting employees at Universite Laique Aventiste de Kigali; and to establishthe effects (positive or negative) of recruitment procedures on employee performance in Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali. Stratified method of sampling was used; and purposive sampling was used to select the sample. A self-administered questionnaire was used as the main method of data collection. Nonetheless, documentary review was used as well to supplement and validate the data collected through the self-administered questionnaire. The study found thatUniversite Laique Adventiste de Kigali has a well designed recruitment policy which elaborates the procedures used to recruit new employees, especially the lecturers and administrators. Both inside and outside sources of recruitment are used simultaneously to attract potential applicants. The study found that although external sources are the main source of employees of the University, internal source was observed to have been given special emphasis in order to promote and retain existing competent employees. The study also discovered that recruitment procedures used by the University affects employees’ performance both positively and negatively. In order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative effects of recruitment procedures on employees’ performance, the researcher recommends that UNILAK should: ensure that the process for seeking candidates should not be discriminatory; employees’ recruitment procedures used should always produce clear and updated job descriptions; good records about recruitment should be kept safe; and any procedures that cause negative effects on employees’ performance should as much as possible be minimized, if not completely avoided. xi
A thesis submitted to the school of post graduate studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of arts in human resource management of Kampala International University
Employees’ performance, Recruitment procedures