Media strategies and their influence in communicating information on female genital mutilation: a case of Sabiny Community in Kapchorwa District

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Kampala International University.College Of Humanities and social science
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or female circumcision is one of the traditional practices whose origins can be traced to ancient times. In uganda, the prevalence vaiies widely ainong ethnic groups . . Uganda Demographic Survey (2009) shows it is nearly universal amongst people in districts like Kween (97%), Kapchorwa (92%) and Nakapiripirit (93%) women. It is also common in Amudat (62%), (48%), Bukwo (44%) and Pokot (42%). Levels ai·e lower among 1K (23%), Kamwenge (27%). This study sought to establish the influence of media strategies in c01m11w1icating infonnation about female genital mutilation. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (I) to establish the influence of using media atnbassadors (2) to detenuine the influence of using local language (3) to examine the influence of public participation in media programs in communicating infonuation about female genital mutilation effectively sabiny community ofKapchorwa Distiict. The study adopted a descriptive Survey approach to reseai·ch; using primary data for both quai1titative ai1d qualitative at1alysis. The data was collected by use of questiom1aires and interviews guide. The population for this study was the] 05.867 according to the national census of 2014, with a sample size of 96, although the researcher collected 120 responses. The reseai·cher adopted s.'ratified random sampling technique in Kapchorwa district. Pw-posive sampling was used to identify the households to select with the help of the administi·ative officers and also the key informants whom administrative officers, the study used stratified rai1dom. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. Con-elation analysis revealed that media ainbassadors and local lai1guage were positive and statistically significai1t in influencing effective commwrication. Conversely, the at1alysis revealed that public patticipation was not statistically significant in influencing effective commwrication. The study concluded that media ainbassadors influenced effective connnwrication of FGM infonnation. Tlris implies that more involvement o,f media ambassadors in anti FGM cainpaigns would improve effective c01ru11W1ication of FGM information. The study also concluded that local languages influenced effective commwrication of FGM inf01mation. This inlplies that more use of local language in ai1ti FGM can1paigns would improve effective commwrication of FGM infom1ation. Fw-ther, the study concluded and public participation do not influence effective commwrication. It can be concluded that media sti·ategies have a key role to play in commwricating ai1ti- FGM info1111ation among the sabiny c01mnwrity in kapch01wa.
This Research Project is submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication and Journalism at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Media, Strategies, Communicating, Information