Factors influencing utilization of skilled birth attendance at Garissa Provincial General Hospital
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Kampala International University, School of Health Sciences
The lack of skilled deliveries is a public health concern as it is associated with unacceptably high maternal and prenatal mortality in the developing countries. In order to achieve the millennium development goal 5, the Kenya’s Ministry of Health (MOH), through Division of Reproductive Health developed the National Reproductive Health Strategy which aims at the reduction of maternal mortality to 170/100,000 from 590/100,000 live birth by the year 2015 and also increase the number of pregnant mothers attended by skilled attendant to 90% (MOH, 2003).This research aimed at establishing the factors affecting the utilization of skilled birth attendance at Garissa provincial hospital which is situated in Garissa County-Kenya. The study design was descriptive cross-sectional involving 399 women of reproductive age attending Maternal – Child Health (MCH) clinic during the research period. A structured and semi-structured questionnaire was administered by the research assistants to the individual women attending the clinic. The quantitative data was entered into excel and exported to SPSS for analysis where percentages, means and standard deviations was calculated. Among the social demographic factors that were researched on, it is only age that showed highly significance in utilizing PGH Garissa maternity unit. The study indicated that women less than25 years are 2.83 times more likely to utilize PGH Garissa than women older than 25 years, majority of women (88.7%) preferred PGH Garissa maternity as their place of delivery and most women (68.9%) started antenatal clinic in their last trimester of pregnancy (as from 25th week gestation
A research report submitted to Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Skilled deliveries, Utilization of skilled birth attendance, Maternal mortality, Garissa Provincial General Hospital