Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction In Selected Hotels of Kampala- Uganda.
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management Sciences .
This study was set to determine the correlation between service quality and customer
satisfaction in selected hotels of Kampala Uganda. It was guided by four specific
objectives, that included; i) to determine the respondents profile in terms of age,
gender, level of education, marital status and experience ii)determining the level of
service quality; iii) the level of customers satisfaction; and iv) the relationship between
service quality and customers 'satisfaction. The study used the descriptive survey
design specifically and the descriptive correlational strategies, cross-sectional and
expost facto to test the relationship between the variables. Two sets of questionnaires
were developed and included the different aspects of service quality and customers
satisfaction. Likert four scale measure were adopted to determine the degree of
importance of each of the item included in the questionnaire, where ( 4) points were
given to the situation of "strongly agree" and (3) points for the case of "agree", (2)
points to the "disagree" and (1) point to "strongly disagree". The findings indicated that
the level of service quality had an overall mean of 2.97 which is interpreted as high on
a four point Iikert scale, the level of customers' satisfaction was rated high with an
overall mean of 2.68 which is also interpreted as high on a four Iikert scale, implying a
high rate of customers' satisfaction in selected hotels of Kampala Uganda. Also there
was a positive and significant relationship between the level service quality and
customers 'satisfaction in selected insurance hotels of Kampala Uganda , and this is
shown by the sig. value (.000) which was greater than the maximum sig. value of 0.05
considered in social sciences. From the findings therefore, the researcher recommended
the following:- i) There is need to uplift the levels of service quality in selected hotels
since it was found to be high so that it's the highest, ii) The staff of the selected hotels
should be able to help the customers that whenever they experience any problem, it is
handled in constant manner, iii) The staff of the selected hotels should be able to help
the customers that whenever they request for any service in these hotels, we perform it
so fast, iv) The level of customers' satisfaction in selected hotels since it was found to
be generally high so that it becomes the highest, v) In order to improve on reliability,
the hotels should have different branches for customers to access the services, vi)
There is need to improve on the knowledge of the insurance company so that they actively understand customer service and expectations
A research report presented to the College of Economics and Management of Kampala
International University Kampala, Uganda
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of a Bachelor's Degree
in Tourism and Hotel Management of Kampala International University.
Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Hotels of Kampala, Uganda