Food and beverage service as a marketing tool in the hospitality industry: case study of Neptune Beach Hotel at the South Coast of Mombasa
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Kampala International University.College of Economics and Management
The world today is rapidly advancing in all aspects of life and business. These changes have
therefore brought about competition between business entities which as a result organizations are
work oriented rather than giving the best quality of output to the users. And this has called for
reshaping of the service delivery in the hospitality sector.
The food and beverage services reviews the processes designed by management to ensure the
reliability and integrity of information, compliance with policies and regulations safe guarding of
assets economically and effective use of resources and achievement of goals and objectives in
the hospitality sector.
The research work was to evaluate the food and beverage services and examine the relationship
between its importance & how it influences the performance of the marketing process of a
particular establishment. The two variables were Service (independent) and Marketing
( dependent).
The study was cmTied out m Neptune Beach Hotel which is found m the south coast of
Mombasa, Kenya.
Data was collected, analyzed and summarized and the following were the finding:
In Neptune Beach Hotel, food and beverage service plays their role effectively in marketing of
their products hence reporting and ensuring that the human resource of the hotel are performing
their duties effectively. But however it had been noted that further training is to be emphasized
due to the changes in hospitality sector and keeping up with the technology advancement.
In line with the finding, the following recommendations were proposed:
A clear standard or service convention should be set-up, evaluation of performance during
service and job description should be clearly understood, alignment of Sequence of service
should be put across clearly to improve performance and including every employee should be
well vast with the basic skills in food and beverage service.
Research dissertation submitted to the School of Business and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ward of degree of bachelor of Tourism and Hotel Management of Kampala International University
Food, Beverage, Service, Marketing tool, Hospitality industry