The effect of microfinance institutions on socio-economic development: a case study of Inkingi sa in Kicukiro district
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Kampala international international: College of Economics and Management
This report is a result of an academic research entitled the Effect of Microfinance Institntions on socio-economic development, a case study of INKINGI S.A in Kicukiro district. The objectives of the study were to investigate the products/services offered by microfinance INKINGI S.A, to assess the contribution of products/services offered to socio-economic welfare of beneficiaries, and to identify challenges faced by INKING! S.A in offering products/services. To answer research questions, purposive san1pling, was used to sample the population of the study. Instruments used to collect primary data included the questionnaire and interview guide while tables and graphics were used in presentation and analysis of data. It was discovered that Microfinance INKING! S.A offers limited number of products/services: savings at credits/loans and guarantee letters. The researcher found that those products have contributed a lot on improvement of socio-economic conditions of the beneficiaries particularly and of Kicukiro districts in general because clients afforded education. Medical insurance, food security and empowerment, which led to improvement of socio-economic indicators of Kicukiro district. The challenges faced by INKING! S.A include among others lack of new technology, interest rate and collateral rates imposed by the National Bank of Rwanda. The researcher recommended among others to increase the products offered like training, insurance and recommended to the Government to review interest rate and collateral policy to ease poor people access to products/services of microfinance institutions.
A research thesis submitted to the school of Post Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of a Degree of Master in Business Administration of Kampala International University
Business administration, Microfinance institutions, Socio-economic, Development, Kicukiro district