Justice Mechanisms and Resolution of Beledweyne Tribal Conflicts in Somalia.

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Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The study focused on justice mechanisms and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study objectively sought to; examine analyze the role of local courts and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia, to appraise the effect of clan meetings and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia and to exm1ine the mediation and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study adopted a descriptive design because it gathered data from a sample of a population at a patiicular time and in so doing, pertinent data was collected from all respondents once and for all to reduce on time and costs involved. A sample of 136 respondents was selected. Using, purposive sampling and simple random data was analyzed using the computer softwai·e package called SPSS to generate tables and graphs. The findings of the study were that correlation coefficient 0.864 is strong and showed that policy and legal framework has a significant strong effect on resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between the effect of clan meeting and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia since the p-value 0.04 was less than the significance level (0.05) and the correlation coefficient was notably high (0.76) rendering the effect between local comis and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia to be a strong one. The study recommends that the international community needs to assist in establishing an impartial National Somali Army and Police Force. This is possible through reinstatement of former "clean" Army and Police Force persom1el as well as recruiting and training young people. The leaders need to work on a progressive plai1 aimed at restoring peace, security and stability by involving the clans and their leaders and not just the warlords, especially in disarmament to pacify the process. That the government must face the challenge of reconciling people at all levels of the society including inter and intra clan and sub-clans, factional and political groupings. The government has the responsibility to manage the reconstruction process through national authorities, provincial and local channels as well as security forces. This will call for peaceful environment by establishing a transpai·ent, representational and interactive political structure, to avoid the spectacle of people falling back to clanism and lawlessness.
A thesis submitted to the College of Humanities and Socials Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Resolution of Kampala International University.
Justice Mechanisms, Tribal Conflicts, Somalia