Communication and Employee Performance in Uchumi Supermarket Kabalagala Branch Uganda
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Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Human resource management
The study sought to assess impact of communication on performance of employees at Uchumi
supermarket. The research was based on three objectives; to identify the various principles of
communication used in Uchumi supermarket, to assess the different communication media used in
business in Uganda and to examine employee performance management at Uchumi supermarket.
The study revealed that communication is of great importance to the performance of Uchumi
supermarket as it helps the organisation to well pass information to the targeted recipient
effectively; different issues are communicated such as changes in operations manual, goals and
objectives, which makes the employees aware of the organizational goals thus encouraging them
to work hard hence better performance of the organisation. The study also revealed that human
resource is the engine of the organisation because without enough man power the organisation
cannot run smoothly. Therefore there is a need for the organisation to communicate effectively to
its employees through different communication media. Thus communication gears organisational
employee performance positively if there is a clear communication system in an organisation
The study concluded that a well communication system positively affects employee perfonnance
at Uchumi supermarket; a well communication system has helped the supermarket to survive in
the market. Communication is a major tool in the human resource performance of an
The following recommendations were suggested if Uchumi supermarket is to improve employee
performance. The supermarket should employee people With close education levels to eliminate
under looking each other of the staff members. This is because someone of primary level of
education finds it difficult to converse in English with a staff member with master's degree.
Simple vocabulary should be used as communication needs deep understanding of the
information being passed to the recipient. The organisation should not use complicated words,
abbreviations which may hinder effective communication.
A Research Report Submitted to College of Economics and Management Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Bachelors of Human Resource Management of Kampala International University
Communication, Employee Performance