The enforcement of intellectual property rights in kenya comparative approach
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Kampala international international: School Of Law
This research dissertation mainly dealt with the general objective and specific objectives of the study problem which is; the enforcement of intellectual Property Rights in Kenya; A comparative approach. The research sought to make a comparison between the enforcement mechanisms in Kenya comparing it closely with the enforcement mechanisms in Uganda and finally showing which jurisdiction is better placed in enforcing intellectual property rights and what can be learnt from whom. Chapter one outlined the mode in which the study was carried out. It addressed key issues on the research methodology including the significance of the study, research objectives, research questions, hypothesis, literature review and documentary analysis Chapter two of the study examined the enforcement Jaws of intellectual property rights in Kenya. It outlined the relevant parliamentary laws which concern enforcement of IPRS critically analyzing the spaces that needs to be filled for efficient enforcement and also identifying the challenges encountered in the implementation of the provisions on the enforcement laws in the effort to curbing intellectual property rights law infringement in Kenya .This chapter also looked at the enforcement mechanisms of the intellectual property Jaws with specific reference to administrative measures put forth to ensure effective enforcement of this rights in Kenya and evaluating how adequate or effective they are. In addition the chapter also covered the role of the police, judiciary. Rights holders and the public as well in an effort to ensure effective enforcement of intellectual property rights in Kenya. Chapter three of the research covered an overview of the laws applicable in Uganda, the enforcement methodology and challenges faced in such enforcement. Chapter four of this research contains data analysis of the field work and explains the challenges hindering effective enforcement of IPRS both in Kenya and Uganda. The chapter also makes a detailed comparison of enforcement mechanisms of intellectual property rights between Kenya and Uganda and lastly established which system is more advanced and what can be learned from each other in a bid to effectively enforce IPRS. Lastly chapter five made final conclusions and recommendations on how enforcement can be improved in both jurisdictions.
A research submitted to the school of law in partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the award Of bachelor of law degree at Kampala International university
Intellectual property, Rights, Kenya