An examination of the effectiveness of the laws on rights of Women prisoners in Uganda: a case study of Luzira prison

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Kampala international international: School Of Law
This Dissertation analyzed the role of the judiciary in protection and promotion of rights of indigent prisoners in Uganda; It was guided by the specific objectives which included finding out whether Uganda's legal regime protects the rights of indigent prisoners, depicting the role of the judiciary in the protection of indent prisoner rights and exploring the legal rights of detained persons under International legal regime. The judiciary is the system of courts that Interprets and applies the law 1n the name of the state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. In some nations, under doctrines of separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law or enforce law, but rather Interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case. In other nat1ons, the judiciary can make law, Known as common Law, by setting precedent for other judges to follow, as opposed to Statutory Law made by the legislature. The Judiciary is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. The study recommends there to be a deliberate attempt to establish a prison regime in which the living conditions of prisoners are consistent with human rights standards and international best practices, the laws protecting inherent prisoners are their but their implementation is the challenge. The researcher winds up the research with recommendations to ensure that the rights of inherent prisoners are promoted by judiciary.
A dissertation submitted to the school of law in partial Fulfillment for the requirement of the award of bachelors Degree of laws of Kampala international university Kampala, Uganda
Human rights, Laws on rights, Women prisoners, Luzira prison, Uganda