Design and Implementation of an Electrostatic Precipitator and Its Cleaning System for Small Scale Combustion

A simple wire-plate electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was constructed in order to test the efficiency of collecting smoke particles from combustion of rubber-wood that is used as a source of biomass energy. The ESP contains collection cylinder electrode and 2 wire electrodes between cylinder. The maximum input voltage of the Wheatstone bridge circuit using a high-voltage neon transformer was 10.5 kV (DC). The gap between the cylinder and the distance between wires were adjustable. Results from the field test in a furnace indicate that the device could be used for a period of about one hour before cleaning the electrodes was required. The collection efficiency was decreased during the course of wood burning as the dust loading increased. Maximum efficiency was near 80% during the initial period. The distance between the collection plate electrodes had a greater influence on efficiency than the distance between the wire electrodes. The cleaning system used in this experiment was made from a row of PVC pipes to allow water to discharge radially to the cylinder electrodes on both sides. Efficiency was increased after 120. This ESP is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to alleviate the release of detrimental chemicals such as PAHs into the atmosphere.
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Electrostatic Precipitator(ESP), Efficiency, Electrode, Furnace Collection plate, Uganda, Electronics, Gas, Biomass, Renewable Energy