Challenges of Kampala as business tourist destination
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Kampala International University,College of Education
This study investigated the challenges of Kampala as business tourist destination. This was after
the realisation that Kampala City has many attractions and a relatively reasonable infrastructure
with the potential and prospects to make it a major business tourist destination just like other
world cities such as Dubai, London, Tokyo and New York among others. The study specifically
sought to achieve the following objectives: to identify the potentials for Kampala City as a
business tourist destination; to determine the problems of Kampala City as a business tourist
destination; and to examine the ways of promoting Kampala City as a business tourist
destination. The study design took the form of a case study of Kampala City CBD. The study
also involved purposive sampling in which the data sought were qualitative. A sample of 49
respondents was selected for the study. The sample included traders, lodge or hotel workers, taxi
operators, tour company operators, commuters, tourists and opinion leaders. The data were
collected using interviews and observations for primary data and documents analysis for
secondary data. The analysis of the data generated by the interviews and observations involved a
phenomenological approach by emphasising a deep understanding of the observed phenomena
and views of the participants, literal description and narration of the emerging issues out of
which authentic conclusions were made. During the interviews and observations, the researcher
noted down in his diary the relevant issues (episodes, situations, events or instances) for accurate
reporting, The main themes that emerged from the field notes and interviews were noted down,
quoting extensively in verbatim format.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Award of the degree of
Bachelor of Arts with Education of
Kampala International University
Kampala, Business Tourist