Internal efficiency of free primary education in Kakamega Central District,Lurambi Division, Kenya

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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning
This study sought to establish the level of internal efficiency of Free Primary education in Kakamega Central district in Lurambi division. It was found out that internal efficiency in the area of study is very low and the following factors were identified to have contributed to the problem admission of under-age children and quality of classroom practice have been identified as responsible for such a low rate of internal efficiency, parents’ involvement in the learning activities are very low, the lack of resources, some pupils study under shades of trees they actually don’t study when raining, poor feeding programs, high teacher pupil ratio etc. Repetition is one indicator of the internal inefficiency of an educational system. In Kenya, primary school repetition is high and as such, constitutes wastage particularly, and of course problematic to the state, parents and individual pupils/victims. It is conceptualized that efficiency as applied to educational achievement combines both qualitative and quantitative variables and relates inputs to outputs. An efficient educational system should enable pupils graduate within the time frame prescribed. If students spend more time than is required there is wastage. The study was carried out using descriptive survey study design. The researcher used questionnaires, check list and interview schedules as research tools. Analysis of documented data was also done to gather relevant data. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Qualitative data were analyzed in narration form while quantitative data were analyzed by use of frequencies and tables. To combat this phenomenon in the primary school system in Kenya, the government has resorted to experiment on some strategies namely: Compensatory Education, Competency-Based Teaching Approach, Automatic/ Administrative Promotion in addition to the New Pedagogic Approach with apparently, significant results in the reduction of repeating. It is concluded that these strategies based on a pupil —centered philosophy/pedagogy tend to promote learning and consequently, increase promotion in primary schools.
A research report submitted to the College of Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor of Education (science) of Kampala International University
Internal efficiency of free primary education, Free primary education, Kakamega Central District, Lurambi Division, Kenya