The Challenges of Human Resource Recruitment and Retention in the National University of Rwanda: Proposed Intervention Scheme

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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management.
The national university of Rwanda is often accused of unprofessional recruitment and retention practices which might make thc university ineffective and inefficiencT a reality that would incapacitates the institution to makc itsell a fonnidable competitor 1o~ ally and internationally. This study into this issue took on a qualitative research category although some dynamics of quantitative research were inevitablc. The research approach was basically descriptive and normative. The study sought to detennine the root causes and nature challenges of human resource jecruitment and retention at the National Uni’ersitv. The ;tucly proposed intervc.ntion chenic.s fot strategic human resource rec.runment ~,i ii “itntion. The major assumption of this research was that the challenges of hum.u iesouiee recruitment and retention make it imperative for the university to hive poor quality human resou~ee which may make thc university inefficient and ineffective Out of ‘89 ~‘mployecs of the National University of Rwanda, 540 ~i~’iplt were sampled from the r tusin’ Sloven’s ibnnula. The entire research instrnincni~ ~~cie researchet made, the i—t . collect ion tools that ~~‘er.’ used arc ctnicturi’d que~;tioninm’ ai’cl interview. none structured interview, participant obsen ation and content •nal>~i’. 1 he major research 1indings ire that the university does not have a visic’n. mission, philosophy and/or a straLgic plan; it is managed by individuals’ creativity. CoIs:qu~ntlv. there is no stipulated teenutment and/or retention policy. The recruitment pi us. t~- a., ehameknted by discrimination based on ethnic, riegional and,or religion,aiec’. (iI)) ‘ I’ a i4 the respondents did an entry exam others were recruitul by their friend.1 ør ~sct” sneaks.d in by influential politicians and/or military officers. The work pl’r’ is. an.nac’eiized by interpersonal conflicts and disloyalty to departmental directives which makes coordination of work difficult
A Thesis Presented to the School of Post Graduate Studies Kampala International University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Business Administration of Kampala International University.
Human Resource, Recruitment, University of Rwanda