Factors Contributing to Anemia Among Children Under Five In Peadiatric Ward At Kitagata Hospital.

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Kampala International University, School of Health Sciences
The continuing rates of aneaemia among children under 5 years has left many wondering whether mothers or caretakers of these children are knowledgeable about the factors contributing to anaemia among children under 5 years in paediatric ward in Kitagata hospital. The study was conducted to explore the factors contributing to anaemia among children under 5 years at Kitagata hospital. It was a descriptive and cross-sectional study design and a total of 30 respondents who were care takers with children under 5 years admitted in paediatric ward at the time of the study were selected using simple random sampling procedures. The findings indicate that the respondents interviewed, majority 12(40%) reported to have attained at least primary education, which was not surprising as half 15(50%) of the respondents interviewed were house wives. They also faced various economic factors where by majority 8(32%) never had enough money and that the sun burnt the crops they cultivated, 20 (80%) ate one meal a day to save, majority 25(83.3%) never had enough food in their families, this inadequacy of food predisposed to anaemia. Furthermore, the findings showed that respondents incurred many cultural factors in that most of them 26 (87%) reported of some foods their culture forbade them to eat and 3(23.1%) reported of times culture forbade breast feeding children. In conclusion, respondents faced various factors which contributed to anaemia among children under 5 years and these hence required practical and local interventions such as sensitization and health education of mothers of children under 5 years, encouragement to get involved in income generating activities among other measures to improve food security in the home.
A Research Report Submitted To Uganda Nurses And Midwives Examinations Board In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For Award Of The Diploma In Nursing.
Anemia Among Children, Peadiatric, Kitagata Hospital