The role of training on employee performance in private sector: a case study of Kagando rural development center.

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Kampala international international: College Humanities and Social Sciences
The study was carried out to know the role of training on employee performance in private sector a case study of Kagando rural development in Kasese district western •Uganda. The researcher used the following objectives of research on his search for relevant information. To examine the training policies and procedures applied in Kagando rural development Centre, to establish the relationship between training and employee performance among employees of Kagando rural development Centre and finally to identify measures of employee performance in Kagando rural development Centre. The problem in question for conducting the research was that though much was put in to ensure training of employees in Kagando Rural Development Centre, the performance of employees was still poor due to inefficient training techniques that leads to low productivity and demoralization of employees leading to poor performance and poor service delivery in Kagando Rural Development Centre, and so the researcher was prompted to find out why or whether there is an effect of training on the performance of employees at Kagando Rural Development Centre. Data was collected using questioners, observations and documentary reviews as the instrnments. These instruments helped me to get reliable data from employees, conveniently and without bias. It was found out that in Kagando Rural Development Centre, the identification of training needs are the most preferred procedure to improve the level of employees performance. In other words, instructional design, training evaluation, and training budgets are some of those that are used in the organization to improve employee perfonnance. This one plays a very vital role in training and grooming employees who hence brings about an improvement in Performance. Training affects performance mainly in a positive way in that employees are able to attain the required skills for them to perform batter; they are also exposed to new techniques that were prevailing due to globalization and developments that take place. Therefore I recommend that Kagando Rural Development Centre should intensify on the training given to their employees and also ensures that the best training techniques are used in order to improve on the performance of employees in the hospital.
A research report submitted to the school of applied economics in partial fulfillment of the academic requirements for the a ward of a bachelor's degree in human resource management of Kampala international university
Human Resource Management, Training, Employee performance, Private sector