Social problems experienced by children with hearing impairment in Kitweru primary school Kuja zone, Rongo district (Kenya)
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Kampala international international: College of Education, open and distance learning
This study was set to find out the social problems experienced by pupils with hearing impairment in Kitweru primary school, Ronga District. It MIS carried out in one school. The data was obtained from teachers (N=4). 10 Pupils (N-10) and four parents (N=4). The instruments used were interview guide and observation. The findings indicated that the social problems of children with hearing impairment are caused by negative attitudes, communication problems, and neglect by parents, diseases and fobia. In conclusion, one can improve on social life of children with hearing impairment by loving them, teaching sign language, guiding and counseling parents, refresher courses for teachers, inclusive setting for integration and co-existence, assessment, sensitization of teachers and parents, proper referrals and care should be given to them. The recommendations were made that: -Government should make a provision for the special needs education component to be included in the curriculum for the PTC's (primary teachers' colleges). This will ensue that teachers who undergo public service training are deployed after having acquired knowledge and skills in supporting children with special needs including those with hearing impairment. - Arrangements should be made to construct and put in place other institutions concerned with the teaching of special needs teachers. This will help in uplifting of the special needs including those with hearing impairment. - Arrangements should also be made to allow parents of children with hearing impairment to attend sign language lessons at school. - It should be ensured that every teacher comes out of the college with the knowledge or basic sign language. This may be well done by making sign language a compulsory subject and examinable at the end of the course.
A research report presented to the institute of open and distance learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ward of the bachelor’s degree in special needs education of kampala international university.
Special needs, Children, Hearing impairment, Kenya