The roll of the Judiciary in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Uganda.

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Kampala International University, School of law.
This researcl) report analyses and evaluates the role of Judiciary, in adjudication, protection and promotion of Fundamental human Rights and other rights 1 , the violation of these rights by different state agencies and the way forward to propel the stopping of these violations. The paper goes i'urther to im·estigate the existence of the laws relating to Human rights at the national. regional and international level highlighting the particular provisions of law that state the conJines of the Law. In conclusion, this paper is a comprehensive analysis, investigating and reporting of the law relating role of .Judiciary in protections and promotion of Human Rights in Uganda, Local and international legal framc\\Orks with recommendations t!·om the authors to various ,tctkeholders in this country towards ending violations of the Human Rights. DEFINITION OF KEY TERM ARREST; A restraint of a man's person, obliging him to be obedient to law. An atTest is the beginning of imprisonment, whereby a man is first taken, and restrained of his liberty, by a lawful warrant; also it signilies the decree of a court2 SUSPECT: A s11.1pecr is a person who is believed to be guilty of a crime. If you leave the scene of a murder with bkh>d on your hands and a weapon in your pocket, you're likely to . 3 become a pnme suspect. BAIL; The li·eeing or setting at liberty one arrested or imprisoned, on others becoming .sureties by recognizance lor his appearance at a day and place certainly assigned, he also t..'ttlering into his own rccognizance: 1 i. I BERTY2 : - Freedom: e.-.;emption ii·om extraneous control. The power of the will, in its llloral !"rcedom. to I(> I low the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts ,f. the individual "ithout restraint. coercion. or control fi-om other person
A research dissertation submitted to Kampala International University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Diploma in Laws of Kampala International University .
Human Rights, Judiciary, Promotion and Protection, Uganda