Women participation in the decision making process of private firms: a case study of City Abattoir- Old Port Bell Road Kampala

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Kampala International University.College Of Economics and Management
The study focuses on women participation in decision making process of private firms. It aims at finding out the extent to which women participate in leadership and decision making process at City Abattoir. ascertaining the process followed in making decisions at City Abauoir. determining strategies used to empower women to participate in decision making and leadership at City Abattoir, and identifying barriers preventing the participation of women in decision-making process at City Abattoir. To achieve the objectives of the study. a descriptive research design and a case study (City Abattoir) was used. To sample the population of the study, simple random method was used. Both primary and secondary source oi darn were considereu. Semi-strnctured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. while books and documentaries were used to collect secondary data; finally SPSS was used to analyze collected data. The study realised that, at City Abattoir, women occupy high positions of decision making; however, their power to influence decisions is still uncertain. Therefore increase in the numedcal representation of women in decision-making positions has to be complemented by increased substantive representation and the capacity to influence decision-making. It was also found out that decision making process starts with defining the problem and identifying goals to be achieved, it ends with evaluation of decision made. Throughout the process, iuformation is gathered to discover possible alternatives to solve the identified problem. These alternatives are evaluated to assess risks associated with each and every alternative in order to select one with minimum risks. Once the decision is made, employees are called upon implementation. While women are given opportunity to improve their skills through education and training: inexistence of women· s association and lack of policies and/or legislation to ensure participation of \\·omen in decision making imply ineffective strategy to empower women to participate in decision making process at City Abattoir. With regards to barriers preventing women to participate in decision nnking process. it is concluded that family attitude is the main barrier discouraging women to participate in decision making process. It is recommended to the management nf city abattoir to put in place policies and regulations that ensure participation of women in decision making process. In addition, they should encourage women to form associations or groups where they can gather and share information and experience. xiii 1.1 Background of the study CHAPTER ONE
Thesis submitted to the school of Postgraduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ward of the degree of masters of art in Human Resource Management of Kampala International University
Women, Decision making process, Private firms, Old Port Bell Road Kampala, Participation