Facilities and academic performance in geography amongst students in Moiben Division, Uasingishu East District, Kenya

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Kampala International University.College Of Education
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the performance of' Geography in selected primary schools in Moiben Division. UasingishuEast District. The specific objectives of the study were lo deler111ine if discipline affects the students· acade111ic perfor111ance in Geography. to deter111ine if Geography teacher quality affects the students· acade111ic performance: and to determine if school Geography facilities affect the students· academic performance. The 111cthods used ror data collection was questionnaires and interview guides lo students. teachers and head teachers of the schools inl'oh·cd in the study. In chapter l(iur. the findings m:re presented and interpreted in relation to the study objectives and research questions. While linking to the esisting literature. results included de111ographic characteristics. frequency and percentages. Based on the· l1ndings it was obserl'ed that teacher qualities. discipline 01· students: and school focilities have .r direct impact on the students' acade111ic perl(m1iancc. In chapter li,e. develop111enl of solutions to the proble111. sum111ary of the lindings and conclusions ,,ere attempted. lhc findings suggested recommendations tlrnt the 001crn111enl should prm idc more teaching learning focilities in schl)Ols lo nwkc the k:.1rning environment more mtrnclive to students nnd teachers among other recommendations.
Research report submitted to the Institute, of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the ward of bachelors degree in Kampala International University Education (arts) of
Facilities, Academic performance, Geography, Students i