Placement Alternatives for Learners with Mentally Handicapped in Ugunja Division Siaya District, Kenya.
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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning.
This study was conducted to ensure proper placement for all children with mental handicap.
The study was conducted through questi01maire and interview, data being collected bet\\r
June and July.A placement alternative for the mentally handicapped children even in develo,-..
countries has faced challenges. One such challenge has been to equitably place children on tb.e
existing placement alternatives and also the complicated and varying situation of the menta.J
handicapped children.
It is sometimes equally very difficult because the mentally handicapped children suffer fr C)r:n
different and munerous problems in one.
Another area of concern is to find out whether the placement alternatives are adequate to '".
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sufficient service to these children. Another significant problem has been that for a long time tl:te
attitude towards the mentally handicapped children has always been generally negative a
therefore the enacting of Public Law 94 -142 has gone along way in changing the attitude of tl:te
people on these children thus making few services availed to them.
The study particularly sought to find out whether the placement adequate alternatives to give
sufficient services to these children.
Questionnaire was distributed to the assessment teachers, and teachers teaching children \v'
mental handicap from Ugunja division.
The data was analyzed using results from the questi01maire. The study established that there .
inadequate placement alternative for the mentally handicapped.
The study includes that the rehabilitation programmes like the integrated units, home bas
programmes and. regular class placement be done in most schools since only the few Place
offering such placement are not enough to accommodate the mentally handicapped childr en
recommended for placement
The study recommends that the Kenya government should enact a policy to guide placeme
programmes of the mentally handicapped children so that the placement alternatives bec0 flle
well structured. The parents who keep their children at such programmes should have legal actio
taken against them.
A research report submitted to the Institute of Open and Distance
Learning In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
For the Award of Bachelor of Education Degree
of Kampala International University.
Mentally Handicapped, Learners, Placement Alternatives, Siaya District, Kenya