Motivation and Teacher Absenteeism in Selected Public and Private Secondary Schools in Kyenjojo District Uganda.
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Kampala International University, School of Education
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teacher
motivation and teacher absenteeism in selected public and private secondary
schools. In gathering information, the research study employed both primary
and secondary sources. The study was guided by the following objectives; To
determine the demographic characteristics of teachers as to age, gender,
education qualifications and teaching experience. To determine the level of
teacher’s motivation in selected secondary schools. To determine the level of
teacher’s absenteeism in selected secondary schools. To establish the
relationship between teacher motivation and absenteeism. The primary
source was mainly through the distribution of questionnaires and the
secondary sources were journals, periodicals, news papers and articles on the
internet. The study used descriptive correlation and comparative survey
design. Ten secondary schools from Kyenjojo District-Uganda were selected
to serve as sample schools, using a systematic list sampling method. 150
teachers (including head teachers) were selected; (ten teachers from each
school) to act as respondents. Tables were used in organizing the data and
the Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation was the technique employed in
analyzing the data. The findings indicated that most respondents were aged
between 20-29 years, majority were males, majority were diploma holders
and over 30% had an experience of 3-7years and above. There was a low
level of motivation. However, the level of motivation was found to be highest
on the behavior of students in class. The level of teachers’ absenteeism was
also found to be generally high. The findings also indicated a positive
significant relationship between motivation and teacher absenteeism,
indicating that an improvement in motivation of teachers reduces their
absenteeism at school.
A Thesis Presented to the School of Post Graduate Studies and Research Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Educational Management and Administration.
Motivation, Teacher Absenteeism, Private Secondary Schools, Public Secondary Schools, Kyenjojo District Uganda