Entrepreneurship skills and youth business empowerment in Doguwa Local Government, Kano state, Nigeria
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management
The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of entrepreneurship skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government. The objectives that guided the study included the
following: i) to identify the effect of technical skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government; ii,) to determine the effect of managerial skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government, iii) to establish the effect of economic opportunity identification skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government; and iv,) to establish the relationship between entrepreneurship skills and youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government. The study employed descriptive cross-sectional design using questionnaires and interviews. The sample size was 379, though only 294 questionnaires were returned successfully. The study found in the first objective that there was a moderate, positive and significant effect of technical skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government ~rO.4O8~*, p<O.Ol~. In the second objective, the study also found a moderate, positive and significant effect of management skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government (~r=.436~*, p<O.OJ,). Similarly, in the third objective, the study established a moderate, positive and significant effect of economic opportunity identification skills on youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government (~r=O.473**, p<O.Ol,). Lastly, the fourth objective found a moderate, positive mind significant relationship between entrepreneurship skills and youth business empowerment in Doguwa local government ~=~5]5**, p<O.Olf The implication of the study is to develop good work ethics, attain employment readiness, develop skills and competences, that will enable youth to make positive contribution to the development of their communities and also to reduce unemployment and eradicate poverty among the youth.
The study contributed to the general public, NGO, government and private individuals, organizations and policy makers of Doguwa local government. The study concluded that equipping youth with entrepreneurships skills such as technical skills, management skills and economic opportunity identification skills brings about youth business empowerment which promotes social, environmental and economic sustainability. The study recommended the need for the government to encourage continuous youth training and education on life skills; such skills could include business management skills, technical skills, and marketing skills;
Furthermore, the need for the government to emphasize youth participation in entrepreneurship to reduce their level of vulnerability and help them to be more productive in life; Similarly, the need for the local leaders to engage the youth in productive business oriented ventures such as participation in youth business forums, business tours and establishment of business projects which are supported and sponsored by the local leaders themselves.
A Thesis Submitted to the College of Economics and Management in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship of Kampala International University
Entrepreneurship skills, Youth business empowerment, Doguwa Local Government, Kano state, Nigeria