The Implications of fishing activities on Fish Productivity on Lake Victoria (case study of Buguto fishing village) in Mayuge District

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Kampala International University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world measuring about 6880km2. The lake has a shoreline of 3450 km and a catchment area of 258,700km2. The lake is regarded a shallow lake with an average depth of 40m and madmum depth of 84m. The reports on the fisheries resources of the lake estimate the annual landings of the lake fisheries to be between 400,000 and 500,000 million tons yielding between US $ 300 and 400 million. These fish landings are harvested by about 100,000 fishermen who depend directly on the fish (Ndawula, 2000) Apart from the lake providing fish for food, ft also acts as a medium of water transport to the three ilparian countries (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania), ft also provides employment to the people, domestic and industrial use as well as hydro-electdcfty~ The objectives of the research indude; to identify the impacts of the preservation and fishing methods used on fish!aquatic life in the lake, to determine the causes of the reduction of fish catches on Lake Victoria, and to find out solutions ofover coming overfishing on LakeVictoria. The methods that were used to collect data Include, secondary data, focus group discussions, and questionnaires. The research revealed that, of all the great lakes, lake Victoria has the highest population concentration on ft’s fringes, this has resulted into serious human impacts on the eco-system through Intense agricultural activities (cuftivatlon, like stock and fishing), sporadic settlements, and urbanization, the consequences have been loss of animal and plant life (aquatic life). Aquatic life has become endangered due the bad fishing methods used and hence less guarantee to continued fish production. The researcher recommended that emphasis to promote community awareness, extension services, security on the lake should be provided by both government and Non Government Organizations to mitigate the deteriorating environmental conditions, generally the situation calls for reversal to the Increasing stress on the eco system.
A research dissertation submitted to the Department of Environment in partial fulfillment for the Award of a Degree in Environmental Science of Kampala International University.
Fish Productivity, Lake Victoria, Buguto fishing village