Factors responsible for sustaining the practice of female circumcision in Tumaini Zone, Nyandarua north District of Kenya
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This study attempted to analyze the factors responsible for the
persistence female circumcision among the people of Tumaini zone,
Nyandarua North district of Kenya. It \H,s realized that despite the
tireless effons of the international community to stop Female
Circumcision the practice still goes on in Kenya. The indigenous
people take it for cultural, religious, social conformity, sexuality
control among other items thus peqJetuate it. Data was gathered
using qualitati\·e methods like intervie\\·s. focus group discussions
and observation and quantitative methods \\'here questionnaires
were used. Secondan· data \H,s gathered through Iibrarv search.
Data \\'as descriptive!\· anal\·zed and presented in a statistical \\'ay
\\'here percentages, ratios \\'ere integrated in charts, tables, and
graphs. Findings sho\\'ed that indigenous people emphasized
circumcision of \\·omen because it sho\\'s brm·eness since the
exercise 1s so painful ancl one who stands it can as \\'ell stand life
challenges especially marriage life. While religious leaders argued
that it is used for body cleaning. Recommendations and conclusion
was made.
Research report submitted to Institute of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of a degree in Primary Education with Guidance and Counseling of Kampala International University
Sustaining, Female, Circumcision, Kenya