Constraints in the management and delivery of primary education in Uganda: a case study of Mukono municipality, Mukono district.
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Kampala International University, College of Humanities and social sciences.
The study aimed at investigating the constraints in the management and delivery of primary
education in Uganda, a case study of Mukono Municipality. It was based on four objectives
namely; to examine the management practices in primary education in Mukono district, to
investigate the delivery systems in primary education in Mukono district, to identify the existing
constraints in the management of primary education in Mukono district, and to establish the
constraints experienced in the delivery of primary education in Mukono district. The study
employed the case study research design. The study population comprised of teachers and head
teachers as key respondents while parents, District Inspector of Schools (DIS), and Secretary for
Education were key informants. A sample size of 120 respondents was selected using simple
random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data was collected using interviews and
questionnaires plus documentary analysis.
The study established that there existed committees which monitor education progress in primary
schools. These included the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) committee, the School
Management Committee and the Academic committee. The study found that parents were not
involved in the decision making process, while in most primary schools there were pupil’s
leaders. The study established that most primary schools didn’t have enough teachers, teaching
materials and buildings. Findings of the study revealed that the major constraint to management
of primary education was that of conflict of interest, caused by unclear management structures.
The study established that the major constraints to delivery of education services was inadequate
teaching materials, classrooms, number of teachers, funding plus delayed payments.
Management of primary education depends on the personality, experience and ability of the head
teachers to administer and manage the schools. Despite established committees that should
monitor and evaluate the progress of schools, head teachers continue to manage individually.
The delivery systems of primary education continue to have inadequate classrooms, teachers and
It was recommended that the Ministry of Education and Sports should develop a policy to ensure
that all inspectors at the districts carry out inspections of schools with clear guidelines on how to
undertake quality inspection work and re-examine patterns in the allocation of qualified teachers
and school heads and take corrective measures to ensure that there is greater equity
A Thesis Presented to the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Public Administration
Constraints in management, delivery of primary education, Mukono municipality,Mukono district.