Difficulties of learning mathematics: a case study of Wara secondary school, Hara Division, Ijara District Kenya

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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning
Considering the contributions of'mathemuties, science, and technology to today's ·world, one would have expected mounting interest in these disciplines, but the reverse seems to be the case. Indeed, there is declining interest in mathematics among the youth, and poor peiformance in exa:ninations . . It is ironical that in our pro-science and technologically oriented ·world, the youth who would take charge o.lglobal affairs in thefi1ture - the running o.f industries and the means of production, research laboratories, space technology, and international politics - are shying away from the very subjects that should adequately prepare them for such roles. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the d[fficulties and problems associated with mathematics learning and its impact on academic pet:fbrmance o.f the students in Wara secondwy school, Hara division, and fjara district. The method chosen allowed a collection o_f comprehensive and intensive data and provided an in-depth understanding of the topic under study. Information collected was analyzed and edited to create consistency and completeness. After collecting the questionnaires they were edited.for completeness and consistency across the respondents and to locate omissions. h1formation obtained.fiwn the research study was presented and analyzed using bar charts, narratives, and statisticalfigures. This report provides suggestionsfhr more effective practice in the.field olmathematics learning and measures based on the lessons learnedfi·om practical experience students and teachers in the study. It is designed.for policy makers, planners and stakeholders ·who have responsibililies in the area c~f'teaching mathematics in the country.
A research report submitted to the Institute Of Open And Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of A Bachelor in Education in Special Needs of Kampala International University
learning mathematics, Difficulties