Resource Mobilization and Project Success in NGOS in Somalia

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Kampala International University, Colleges of Humanities and Social sciences
The main objective of the study was to establish the relationship between resource mobilization and project success in NGOs in Turkish Development Agency (TIKA) Somalia. ~e study was guided by the following objectives 1) To establish how funds are raised in jrkish Development Agency (TIKA) Somalia 2) To establish the effects of payment by results on project success in Turkish Development Agency (TIKA) Somalia. To examine the influence of donor activities on the project success in Turkish development Agency (TIKA) Somalia. The study employed descriptive correlation design which involved both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Using this method, the ~searcher used a structured questionnaire (close ended) and an interview guide (for jalitative responses). A research population of 135 was identified and a sample size of 101 respondents was computed using the Slovene’s formula. In selecting the respondents, the researcher used the stratified random sampling technique. From the findings it was found ~at fund raising had a significant effect on project success at an R Squared coefficient of .628. Payment by result was found not to have a significant effect on project success at a Squared coefficient of 0.365. A significant relationship was found between donors’ activities and project success at a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.756. The conclusion, as that indeed resource mobilization was influential in determining the project success in TIKA in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study therefore recommends that TIKA should emphasize to acquire more funds from the government and the local community to enhance their financial abilities. In addition to that TIKA should compensate their employees timely, so that the objectives of the organization are realized in time.
A Thesis Submitted to the college of Humanities and Social Sciences and Directorate of Higher Degrees and Research in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Masters’ Degree in Project Planning and Management of Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda
Resource Mobilization, Project Success, Non-Governmental organisation