The prevalence of urinary tract infections among mothers attending antenatal clinic at KIU-TH
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Kampala International University, School of Health Sciences
The frequency of urinary tract infection (UTI) in pregnant women (0.3-1.3%) is similar to that in non-pregnant women Changes, Overall, UTIs are 14 times more frequent in women than in men. This difference is attributed to the various factors. A retrospective study was conducted at Ishaka Adventist Hospital to determine the prevalence of UTI among mothers attending ANC at Ishaka Adventist Hospital. The study found that 26(30.23%) of the respondents were positive for UTI while 69.77% (60) mothers tested negative for UTI, most of the mothers which had UTI were within the parity of 0- 1 16(16.6%), most of the mothers who had UTI were within the age groups of 15-24 years old 21(21.4%), and further showed that most of the mothers who had UTI were within the third trimesters 15(15.4%), E.coli, 11(47.2%) and Enterococcus 5(22.7%). This study concluded that the physiological changes of pregnancy predispose women to UTI so does other factors such as age, parity and gestational age. All pregnant women should be screened for UTI with a urine culture, the goal of early diagnosis and treatment of UTI during pregnancy is to prevent complications with all the added benefits to the mother and the Fetus. This Study recommended that; The hospital should adapt the culture and sensitivity techniques in determining the presence and prevalence of UTI in pregnancy, the hospital should encourage education of mothers attending to the ANC on personal hygiene and infections prevention and that the hospital should screen all mothers attending to the ANC for possible asymptomatic UTI since the current system only deal with symptomatic infections of UTI
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry of in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery of Kampala International University
Urinary tract infections (UTIs), Antenatal, Kampala International University Teaching Hospital (KIUTH)