The concept of child labour and its protection by child labour laws:
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Kampala International University, School of Law
Employment ol' children in the urban informal sector is an enormous problem in many parts of
the 11orld. It is estimated that Sub-Saharan Africa follows Asia-Pacific in having the largest
number or child workers with 48 million, This study therefore explored from an ethical point of
vievv the relationship between child labour and the urban informal sector, as well as its effects on
health, saiCty and education or the children involved, The study also sought to critically assess
the cJTectiveness or the existing strategies in tackling the causes of child labour and to analyse
the ethical challenges or implementing such schemes, and recommend measures to remedy the
situation or child labour. The research was conducted in Kampala district and in particular
Central and Kawcmpc divisions were chosen to be representative of other small towns as these
were cited to have a number of child workers. They were areas of high urban informal activities
and thus child labour concentration, Both qualitative and quantitative data techniques of research
were used during the study and these included; interviews, questionnaires, photography and
observation methods. lnkrviews were held with selected staff from the Uganda Police Force,
ivloGLSD. JUl. UNICEF, Save the Children, Invisible Children, Raising Voices (CEDOVlP)
and ANPPCAN Uganda Chapter. The information collected was organized according to six
chapters in order to make meaningful presentations and discussions, conclusions and
recommendations. The research findings collected revealed that child labour is still rampant in
the urban inl(lrlnal sector as compared to the rural areas with a magnitude estimated at over 2
million. More girls than boys engaged in work, Significantly, poverty was seen as the main
l(tctor accounting fix child labour in Uganda while other factors observed included; weak
national laws and domestic violence. It is upon this background that the researcher called on the
Government or Uganda, associated NGO's, international organizations and the populace who
remain incompatible in goals, to foster a sustainable child labour strategy in the fight against
child labour. The government should mainly develop a body of ethical principles against child
labour, be politically committed as well as foster the implementation of labour laws and policies.
A research dissertation submitted to the faculty of law in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of bachelor's degree in laws of Kampala International University
Child labour, Protection, Child labour laws, Uganda