Investigation on teacher’s attitude towards inclusion of mentally handicapped children eastern province Kenya
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Kampala International University, Institute of Open and Distance Learning
The purpose of this study was to find out attitude of regular school teachers towards
inclusion of learners with mental retardation, in Kulundu zone. The specific
objectives of the study were to find out the cause of mental retardation, to find out the
qualification level of teachers who are against inclusion, to find out implications of
teachers' attitude towards mental retardation and to identify possible intervention
strategies to alleviate the problem.
The method used for data collection were questionnaires sent to staff members of the
schools who were involved in the study. In chapter four, the findings were presented
and interpreted in relation to the study objectives and research questions. While
linking to the existing literature, the results included tables and frequency
percentages. Based on the findings it was observed that teachers of regular schools
aged between 35 years to 55 years never supported the idea of inclusion of learners
with mental retardation in regular schools because of old norms and rigidity. In
chapter five, development of solutions to the problems, summary of the findings and
conclusions were attempted. The findings suggested recommendations on areas
pertaining interventions for learners with mental retardation.
A research project submitted to the Institute of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor in Special Needs Education of Kampala International University.
handicapped, mentally