Youth employment and peace building in Galkayo District, Somalia
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Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
The study sought to establish the relationship between the relationship between youth
employment opportunities and peace building among in Galkayo district Somalia. The study
was guided by four specific objectives and these included: to establish the relationship
between youth employment creation and peace building in Galkayo district Somalia; to
examine the influence of youth skills development on peace building in Galkayo District
Somalia; to investigate the influence of youth employment info1mation accessibility influence
on peace building in Galkayo district Somalia; and to establish challenges facing youth
employment opportunity Creation in Galkayo District Somalia. The study employed a
descriptive correlation design. It was based on the variables of study which were quantified
into numerical data to explain, predict and control phenomena of study . The research
population was 399 from which 200 respondents were selected through Slovene's formula for
sample size detennination and the selection was done through systematic sampling technique.
The data collection tools included questionnaires and interviews. The validity and reliability
of the research instruments was determined through content validity index and test and retest.
Frequency counts and percentages were used to describe socio-demographic
characteristics of respondents; mean ranges and standard deviations were used to measure the
study vaiiables; and Pearson correlation and regression coefficients were used to establish the
association between the study variables. The study found out that there is positive and
significai1t relationship between youth employment creation and peace building in Galkayo
distiict (P value .214; Sig. 0.000: youth skills training and peace building in Galkayo (P value
of 0.399 Sig. 0.000) and youth employment infonnation accessibility and peace building in
Galkayo distiict (P value of 0.380 Sig. 0.000). The researcher concluded that there is close
association between improvements in youth employment creation; youth skills training and
employment infommtion accessibility will lead to success in peace building in Galkayo
disti·ict. From the findings, the following recommendations were made; joint youth council at
the entire district should be fonned in Galgayo to try to forge some unity among different
clan members; effective and appealing disam1ainent package should be established by the
government of Somalia in collaboration with other interested organizations in peace making;
market oriented vocational and technical training skills should be freely established for youth
who had dropped out of school; free education should be offered to youth to discourage
school going age from dropping out of school; the government should mobilize clan leaders
to appoint a committee and establish a platfom1 for discussing peace building approaches ai1d
reconciliation procedures; and the government ai1cl NGOs operation in the district should look
for ways of connecting skilful youth to organizations and companies for job oppo1tunities.
This approach could significantly increase the number of working youth and introduce other
programs that can keep youth relatively busy in income generating activities rather than
engaging themselves in actions that can destabilize communities.
A research thesis submitted to the college of higher degrees and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ward of a Master’s Degree in conflict resolution and peace building of Kampala International University
Youth employment, Peace building, Galkayo District, Somalia