Availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources and teachers’ competence in selected government secondary schools in Urban West, Zanzibar, Tanzania

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Kampala International University, School of Education
The study was about availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources and teachers’ competence in selected government secondary schools in Urban West, Zanzibar, it was carried out with the following objectives; To determine the profile of respondents, to determine the level of availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources, to determine the level of teachers’ competence and to examine the relationship between availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources and teachers’ competence. The study used descriptive survey research design, in particular descriptive correlation. The study employed a sample of 332 respondents selected by simple random sampling technique from 11 government secondary schools. Of these, 41 were teachers and 291 were students. Data was analyzed using frequencies for demographic characteristics, mean for the level of availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources, and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for relationship between availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources and teachers’ competence. The findings of the study indicated that, for teachers as respondents; majority (54.0%) were aged between 31-40 years and majority were male (61.0%). (39.0%) were female, Majority of the teachers (59.0%) were holding Bachelor’s degree as highest level of education and majority (36.0%) had teaching experience of seven and above years. As for students who participated in the study, majority (54.0%) were male and majority (68.0%) were aged between 16-19 and majority (62.0%) were in form five class. The level of availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources was low with grand mean of (2.11). The level of teachers’ competence was low with grand mean (2.09).The relationship between availability and utilization of teaching and learning resources and teachers’ competence was significant (p-value =0.000). It was recommended that the Government’s budget on education sector should be increased in order to distribute adequate teaching and learning resources to government secondary schools in urban West Zanzibar,
A Thesis Presented to the College of Higher Degrees and Research Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Educational Management and Administration.
Teaching and learning resources, Teachers’ Competence, Government Secondary Schools, Urban West, Zanzibar, Tanzania