Socio - institutional factors influencing secondary students’ academic achievements in Banda and Buyinja Sub-Counties in Namayingo District
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Kampala International University,College of Education
‘he term education has been defined in different ways by different scholars for instance
Lccordrng to: .JJ Rousseau, education is the process of acquisition of knowledge, skills, beliefs,
ralues and habits. According to MJ Langeveld, education is every interaction that occurs
etween adults with children. According to Dr. John Dewey, education is a process of
xperience. According to Wikipedia, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an
~tmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the
otential for them to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality,
ntelligence, noble character and the skills needed by themselves and the society. According to
rhomas and Marshall (1977), education is a social process through which one achieves social
~ompetence and individual growth, carried out in a selected, controlled setting which can be
nstitutionalized as school, college or university. Through the term education has different
lefinitions according to different scholars, they all agree that education involves interactions
etween or among different persons, experience and brings over changes in one’s life and entire
ociety. Today, every society upholds education where children and adults receive education
tither formally, informally or none formally. The quality of education attained by learners is
letermined by socio- institutional factors. By the words socio and institution factors, we mean
he forces in society and areas where individuals attain education from. The word society is a
;roup of people with a common territory, interaction and culture. According to John Mbiti, the
~ontent of society defines humanity. All that goes to the making of man is incorporated in the
:omplex unity of the society, outside of which all others are strangers and inferior if not enemies.
)utsiders are considered enemies because their motives are likely to be aliens to the local
;ociety’s interest. He further says that it is not enough to be a human being unless one shares the
~ense of society. An education institution refers to an administrative unit with a principal or other
iead, which has teachers and other personnels in its service, which is liable to keep books and
~ompile other documentations, in which students are registered, whose activities are regulated by
~ legal act or decree which follows a national curriculum and which is financed and controlled by
ipublic authority. An educational institution does not only refer to a school building but also
A research report to be submitted to the College of Education,
open, distance and e-learning in partial fulfilment for the Award
of Bachelors’ Degree of Arts with Education at Kampala
International University
Socio-institutional factors, Academic achievement, Namayingo District