Internal Control System and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda. A case study of Eco Bank (U) Ltd, Kawempe Branch.
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management Sciences .
This study sought to establish the effect of internal control system on financial
performance of commercial banks in Eco bank - Kawempe Branch. The study was
driven by three objectives. These were; to investigate the effects of internal control
system on the performance of Eco bank, to determine the different types of internal
control systems used by Eco bank and to establish the relationship between internal
control system and performance of Eco bank. To achieve these objectives, the
researcher sampled forty-four respondents (44) from Eco bank - Kawempe Branch. The
research was guided by three research questions. The first research question sought to
find out the relationship between internal control systems and the performance of
commercial, research question two sought to find out the effects of internal control
systems on the performance of commercial and the third research question therefore
sought to find out the types of internal control systems used by Eco bank. The findings
revealed that; physical control over cash included sale, cash boxes. Most of the
disbursements were made by cheques and the minor through petty cash fund. The
recommendations to Eco bank were; Proper adoption of organization plan, Control of
transaction, Prevention of fraud, separation of accounting and custody of assets,
prevention of fraud among others.
A research report submitted to the School of Business and
Management in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Award of the Degree in International
Business Administration (Option Accounting)
of Kampala International
Internal Control System, Financial Performance, Commercial Banks, Uganda