Factors influencing awareness Of Cleaner Production in Industries: A Case Study of Nakawa Division, Kampala District, Uganda

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Kampala International University, bachelors degree of Science In Environmental Management
The study was carried out to investigate the factors influencing awareness and adoption of cleaner production in processing and manufacturing industries: a case' study of Nakawa division. Kampala district. The objectives of the study were to examine the methods of cleaner production employed in industries. to find out the benefits brought by cleaner production to the industry. to determine the !actors influencing awareness and adoption .of cleaner production in processing and manufacturing industries and to suggest possible measures that can be use·d to improve on the awareness and adoption or cleaner product inn in industries. In investigating the above. the study used a general survey design employing both primary and secondary methods of data collection. The study population comprised or officials in the department of occupational safety and health in the ministry or gender. labour and social development an official form NEMA. officials from UCPC and the people employed in industries. The study had 60 respondents who were sampled randomly and purposively: they consisted of skilled worker's casual labours and managers (\r processing and manufacturing industries. Data collected was analyzed qualitatively. According to study findings. the methods of cleaner production employed in Ngege Fish Industry Ltd. Uganda Fish packers Ltd and Uganda Batteries Ltd include. input substitution. technology modification. good house keeping and onsite recycling. The benefits of cleaner production as reward by the study include:: reduction in water consumption, energy consumption, gaseous emissions and reduction in generation of solid wastes and effluent then general improvement in occupational health and safety. The findings further revealed factors influencing awareness and adoption of cleaner production which include. lack of technical skills and knowledge. lack of education and training. poor management. inadequate support staff inflexible company culture and general resistance to change. financial limitations and poor policy framework Basing on the findings of the study. the researcher made Some recommendations among others: creating awareness of cleaner production in industries, improving on the management. strengthening of policy framework and implementation.
A Dissertation Submitted In Partial Fulfillment For A Bachelor's Of Science Honor In Environmental Management Of Kampala International University.
awareness Of Cleaner Production, Nakawa Division