Adaptive behavior of mentally retarded learners in and out of school setting in selected public primary schools in Lolgorian division, transmara west district - Kenya
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Kampala International University, School of Education, Open and Distance and E-learning
The study was determined the level of adaptive behavior of mentally retarded leaner’s inside and outside of school setting in selected public inclusive primary school in lolgorian division, transmara west district, Kenya. The research objective were formulated as it seeks to determine the adaptive behavior of mentally retarded learners inside and outside school settings, the sample of the study consisted of 100 respondents where 60 were teachers and 40 were parents whom were selected using comparative survey methods For the purpose of data collection, the researcher developed 10 items questions for teachers and 8 items questions for parents, the items were distributed on 20 public inclusive primary schools in lolgorian division, transmarawest district, Kenya. Results indicated that the whole respondents of male teachers were the first and were followed by female teacher’s respondents and parents came third. The results also indicated no significant statistical difference in the level of mentally retarded learners inside and outside of school settings. These attributes to age, gender, educational level and experiences Variables and then relationship among them, while indicated significant differences showed the estimate of mentally setting and the hypothesis was rejected.
A thesis presented to the college of higher degrees and research Kampala international university Kampala Uganda in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of masters in special needs education
Mentally retarded learners, School setting, Public primary schools, Lolgorian division