A tracking system for file management using radio frequency identification

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School of Computing & Information Technology
Locating files is one of the greatest problems in universities nowadays and large volumes of data are usually generated in most institutions of learning. Time is wasted in searching files, energy is misused in looking for misplaced files, deadlines are missed and sometimes files are lost. This study proposed the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology as a method of tracking and managing movement of files from one location to another within an organization, special emphasis is on files of all members of staff of Yobe State University. The RFID Tracking System will track the location of file within the Registry Department and Near the Field Communication (NFC) tags are placed in the file of staff which has unique identification number, the Universal Serial Bus (USB) NFC reader will send response to each tag that are within the reading range of the USB NFC reader. The control units are responsible for receiving the information (Ull)) from the RFI1) unit and tracking staffs and tagging from where necessary. The system consists of terminal units which include Raspberry pi, monitor, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Near the Field Communication (NFC) Reader, NFC Tags for each staff and wireless keyboard. The Radio Frequency Tracking System provides the functionalities of the overall system such as displaying unique’ identifier of the staff, registering Unique Identifier of the staff, deleting Unique Identifier of the staff~ generating location history of the staff files and other minor related matters. The RFID tracking System was validated using Information System Success Model (ISSM) to measure the effectiveness of the system developed using the survey questionnaire. This research work has discussed the application and implementation of Radio Frequency File Tracking System for file management. The file tracking system using raspberry pi and NFC reader is automated and monitored without any wastage of time. RFID will aid tagging, tracking and management of individual file of all member of staff of Yobe State University.
A thesis submitted to the college of higher degrees and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of masters of science in computer science at Kampala International University
Radio frequency identification, File management