The Socio-Econo Ic E Fects Of Tee Age Pregnancies A D Academic Performance Of Learners I Selected Schools Ofbudaka District

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Kampala International University ,College of Education
This study sought to examine the effect of teenage pregnancy on socio-economic aspects of girls in the selected schools of Budaka district specially to identify the causes of teenage pregnancy among the girls, the socio-economic consequences of teenage pregnancies, and investigated the measures that would be taken to curb this problem. The respondents used in the study were local leaders, teachers, parents who filled a s~mi-structured questionnaire containing items which had been formulated from the objectives. Findings showed that in Budaka district, it was established that young girls are becoming pregnant mostly because peer pressure and bad company. It was also discovered that due to economic hardships some girls go out with men to get some of their requirements and end up becoming pregnant. Those parents did not care much about what their daughters did with their friends. More factors that were hinted on by the respondents include the negative media influence and pinpointed films. It was established that teenagers lacked relevant education about sex ~and how to handle sexuality. Recommendations were also made. Public debates on sexuality and teenage pregnancy must be initiated. These can teach the youth in a very dynamic and interactive way, so that they learn about the dangers of the out of school participants become part of their learning process. Youth they must be encouraged to participate. The teenage mothers should be encouraged to go back to school after giving birth to continue with their education. This will only work if a policy is formulated to safeguard the young mothers in school from social ostrarchy and isolation. Due to ignorance, some teachers and learners have socially stigmatized such girls who chose to rejoin school and as a result they have had to terminate their studies.
A Research Report Submitted to College Of Education, Open distance And E-Lear Ing In Partial Fulfillment T For The requirement Of The Award Of A Bachelor Of- Arts With Education Of Kampala International University.
Socio-Economic, Teenage Pregnancies., Academic Performance