Design and implementation of a payroll management information system for the hospitality industry case study Colline hotel limited Mukono:
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Kampala International University, School of Computing and Information Technology
This study was aimed at investigating the design and implementation of a payroll system
for an industry or an organization.
Chapter one contains the background of the study, problem statement, objectives of the
study, research questions, and scope of the study and the significance of the study
Chapter two contains literature related to payroll management system. manual payroll
system, electronic! computerized payroll system, management information system and
database management system.
Chapter three contains the target population, data collection tools, system analysis and
design. system development and tools, system implementation. and conclusion.
Chapter four presents the findings about the research questionnaires and analyses the
responses from the respondents.
Chapter five deals with the discussions of the findings. the conclusions arrived at and the
recommendation for the future in order to improve the better payroll system.
a research report submitted to the college of-applied science and technology in partial fulfillment of the a ward of a diploma in computer science of Kampala international university.
payroll management, information system, hospitality industry