Motivation and employee performance in the health sector a case study of Kapchorwa Main Hospital, Kapchorwa district

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College of Humanities and Social Sciences
The study assessed the impact of motivation on employee job performance in the health sector mainly in Kapchorwa main hospital involving the hospital administrators, medical personnel and the patients. The study intended to sample 100 respondents; however, 60 of them participated in the interview making it a success. The study objectives were to find out the various tools/ways of motivation in the health sector, the impact of motivation on employee performance, the challenges facing motivation and the possible measures to such challenges. The research was to find out the cause of the trend that is taking place in the health sector concerning motivation and employee service delivery in the health sector despite all the efforts and attempts that have been put in place like central government like the high salaries given to the health personnel in addition to other guaranteed allowances like transport and housing allowances, there has been a sustained complaint among the health workers in regards to the way they are being motivated and also from the patients about the services they are being given. The study findings revealed out that the main tools that bring about motivation include work leaves, promotions, allowances, inanities’, health insurances and this has had a remarkable impact on their performance, time management, hard work, commitment to work, better service delivery among others. The most significant impact of motivation on employee job performance in the health service were; enhances commitment to work, leads to better service delivery, the major challenges facing motivation in the health sector were corruption, lack of professionalism, among others and suggestions to solve these challenges were raised by the respondents for example formulating strict laws against corruption through Public Accounts Committee, (PAC), recruitment of more medical staff, to mention but a few. The research concluded that when the employees are motivated through the provision of both intrinsic and extrinsic benefits and both financial non-financial rewards like promotions, trainings among others makes them to concentrate on their job hence leading to high productivity and better service delivery. ix The study recommends the following; there is need to train more personnel regarding motivation of employees in the health sector as one of the management tool, need for the government to allocate more resources in the health sector, need to fight against corruption, need for the private sector to take part in the provision of health services and also need for the administrators to involve their employees in matters affecting the hospital.
A research report submitted to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a bachelor’s degree IN Public Administration of Kampala International University
Motivation, Employee performance, Health Sector, Kapchorwa District