Causes of Violence in Competitive Sports in the Sports Clubs in Kyenjojo District: A Case Study on Four Football Clubs around the District

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Kampala International University, school of science with education
Violence is a visible part of today’s sport scene, whether because of increasing violent incident in and surrounding sports, increasing attention from media when violent acts occur. or a combination of both. violence is more prevalent in sport today than in years past. Undeniably. the use of violent tactics, fighting among athletes and between athletes and spectators, post-game riots, and hazing incidents make handling with increasing regularity. Violence in sport to some people is demonstration patriotism, but in an actual sense it is a barbaric act which usually uncalled for. Violence is one of the problems facing sport today. Violence is particularly noticeable in contact sport such as soccer. Basketball, Hockey. Handball among others. Participation in sport under good leadership has the unique opportunities of helping the individual develop desirable sportsmanship qualities such courtship. sympathy. truthfulness. fairness, honesty and respect for constituted authority
A Research Report Submitted To The College Of Education open Distance And E-Learning, Department Of Education Foundation In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of A Bachelor Of Degree Of Science With Education Of Kampala International University
Causes of Violence in Competitive Sports, Kyenjojo District