Electronic procurement practices and organizational performance: a case study of spear motors limited, Kampala

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Kampala International University.College of Economics and Management
This study investigated the relationship between electronic procurement practicc:s and organizational performance of Spear Motors Limited. The study objectives were to find out the level of compliance with electronic procurement practices in Spear Motors Limited; to assess the level of organizational performance in Spear Motors Limited and to establish the relationship between electronic procurement practices and organizational performance in Spenr Motors Limited. A correlational research design employing quantitative approaches was adopted uncl applied to investigate the effects of electronic procurement practices and organiLntionul performance of Spear Motors Limited; the sample size was 87 respondents and these were sampled from total population of 120. Purposi ve sampling technique was used to s:1rnpk respondents. The data collection instruments used included the questionnaire um! interview gu ide. The val idity and reliability o f the resenrch instruments was detenni11cd using content val idity index and pretesting. The data collected about the varinbli..!s \\:h coded and Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used for data entry and analysis. Frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the profile of respondents; mean ranges and standard deviations were used for the items that significantly 111ensu1·cd the study variables. Pearson' correlation of coefficient was used to establish rhe relati onships between internal control practices and the growth of the selected commercial banks. Multiple regression analysis was used to determ ine how the predictor variables could explain the dependent variable. This was because there were more thn11 one variable affecting the dependent variable. The study found out that the practice of e-procurement records is moderate in Spear fvIotors Limited (~t = 2.81); the level or organizational performance at the compan) 1,:1s abv moderate in Spear Motors Limited (p = 2.99); however, the study found out tli,1t there was a positive and significant relationsh ip between electronic procurement practices and organi zational performance in Spear Motors Limited (1=0.56, p=0.000j. It was concluded that, there is a positive and moderate significant relationship bd\'.'\.:...:11 electronic procurement practices and organizational performance in Spear Motors Li111itL·d :1<; both electronic procurement practices and organizational performance were moderat~i) nllt'i.l. It was recommended that the management of the company should try to ensure th,1t electronic procurement practices by establishing a procurement committees; the management o f should ensure maximum purchasing efficiency and effectivcnl.!SS by having update resources which are usable w ithin the available technology in order to address the needs priority; and that the management should ensure value for r1.·suur1.·~· · tht:re should be continuous improvement in the efficiency of internal process1.·s :ind systems
Research report submitted to the College of Economics and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a bachelor's degree in Supplies and Procurement of Kampala International University
Electronic, Procurement, Practices, Organizational, performance