Factors Affecting Pupils’ Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Kiboga District: A Case Study of Kiboga Town Council
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Kampala International University, school of Arts with education
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the factors affecting pupils’ academic performance in
public primary schools in Kiboga to~n council. The study was conducted in that particular area
because in the past five years, pupils’ performance in the schools has been alarmingly
deteriorating. Specifically, the study was intended to achieve the following objectives: (1) to
investigate the extent to which parent involvement affects academic performance of pupils in
public primary schools, (2) to analyze the attributes of teachers towards pupils’ academic
performance in public primary schools and (3) to suggest measures on how to improve on pupil’s
academic perforthance in public primary schools.
The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. Quantitative and qualitative approaches of data collection were employed. A total of 60 respondents constituted the sample of
the study. These included 30. teachers and 30 parents from the four schools (Kiboga DASS, St
Andrews P/S, Bamusuuta P/Sand Islamic center primary schools. The researcher used four types
ofresearch instruments: namely questionnaires, interviews and observation.
The results revealed that; parents are unconcern abOut the education of their pupils thus resulting
into poor performance in KDPPS, there is no close contact between teachers and parents, The
study also showed that there is only one teacher per subject in KDPPS and pupils are not given
career guidance on specific subjects that they handled yet most of the teachers want to assess
them through discussions at school. Most of the PPS in KD, school administration merely pays
attention to the internal pro~ess of the school such as instructional approaches and school
structure. It was also showed that the school administration should be Caring out meetings with
student’s leaders to talk about the issues concerning students and that pupils are motivated in
different occasions.
The conclusions were; the support given to pupils by parents on academic related matters is not
enough. The parents/teachers interface is a critical meeting ground for mutual support and
understanding or for mutual distrust
A Research Proposal Submitted to the Department of Education In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of a bachelors Degree of Arts in Education Kampala International University
Factors Affecting Pupils’ Academic Performance, Kiboga District