Peer influence on academic achievement of mentally challenged learners in Kilifi County Primary Schools, Kenya
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Kampala International University,school of Postgraduate studies and research
The main purpose of the study was to compare the effect on peer teaching and conventional teaching on academic achievement among mentally challenged learners in selected primary schools in Kilifi County Kenya, It was guided by two objectives which were to investigate whether there is a significant difference in academic achievement between experimental and control group of mentally challenged learners among selected schools in Kilifi County. The research design followed quantitative approach. The study was a quasi-experimental investigation that employed the descriptive, comparative survey design.
The design was suitable for the study in that the researcher was able to determine the level of academic achievement among mentally challenged learners and carry out a comparative analysis between teaching methods (peer and conventional
teaching) and academic achievements among mentally chaflenged learners, Data collected through this design enabled the researcher to prevent the level of academic achievement and investigate differences between teaching methods
(conventional or peer teaching) and academic achievement among mentally challenged learners in Kilif county, Kenya.
Findings showed that the overall mean of academic achievemen: of mentally challenged learners among selected schools in Kilif county was very slightly above 40 percent (40,04%) with standard deviation of (Std Dev=5,778), The maximum
work was 55% and the lowest was 30% giving a range of 25%.
The study concluded therefore that peer teaching should be applied since it showed that there is slightly high performance rate than conventional methods. This is evident with regard to the discussion of this study and that there is need to
orient, develop and train teachers of mentally challenged learners and thus improve them with respect to teaching methods.
A thesis submitted to the College Of Education, Distance And E-Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Education in Special Needs Education of Kampala International University
Peer influence, Academic achievement, Mentally challenged learners, Kilifi County Primary Schools, Kenya