Causes of Poor Academic Performance among the Hearing Impaired Learners in Longisa Division, Bomet District-Kenya

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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning
The study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance among the hearing impaired learners in regular primary schools. The researcher used questionnaires used to collect information form the respondents, the respondents were 25 teachers and 50 learners from the three sampled schools. The researcher found that in comparison with their hearing counterparts, hearing impaired learners performed poorly in academic work due to a number of factors. These include:- • Poor methods of teaching and practices by regular teachers; • Teachers' lack of knowledge and skills to handle them; • Lack of resources • Communication barriers and lack of language interpreter; • Negative attitude from teachers, parents and peers towards deaf children The researcher made recommendations and suggestions that the government should embark on training and equipping all teachers with skills regarding special needs education. Seminars and workshops should be organized to sensitize all the people dealing with hearing impaired learners. Public awareness should be made to people in order to accept and support these learners.
Research Report Submitted to the Institute of Open and distance Learning in Partial Fulfillment of The requirements for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Special Need Education Kampala International University
Poor Academic Performance, Hearing Impaired Learners, Bomet District, Kenya