Effects of hearing impairment on academic performance in primary schools in Sabatia east zone Sabatia division-Kenya
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Kampala International University, Institute of Open and Distance Learning
The effects of hearing impairment on academic performance in primary schools in Sabatia
East is the key issue that the researcher made a proposal to investigate the problem, set
objectives and made literature review that acted as her source of reference.
The researcher identified the methods of carrying out the research in terms of subjects to be
involved which she resolved to be regular primary teachers. The approach used was
quantitative and qualitative and the procedure used in sampling was the simple random
The researcher prepared a questionnaire of sixteen questions which he used to gather
information from the respondents. He delivered the questimmaires by herself, briefed the
respondents before they filled the forms and handed over to her.
The data collected from the twenty five questionnaires was presented, analysed and
discussions made per each question set out. The researcher tabulated the information on a
frequency table to answer the set out objective questions.
From the data the researcher concluded that there are many challenges facing the leamers
with learning impairment in regular primary schools in Sabatia East zone that omission to
be addressed and a solution made.
The researcher made a recommendation on the way forward to learners of hearing
impairment in catering for them in an inclusive setting to better their learning.
A research project submitted to the Institute of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor in Special Needs Education of Kampala International University
hearing impairment, academic performance